How to recover abandoning users with re-targeting your travel business via iOS apps?

Technource Pvt Ltd
4 min readJun 21, 2018


Today mobile re-targeting is gaining popularity among many companies. This technology shows ads to users who are already familiar with the product, who have already installed the mobile application from the site and, perhaps, even launched it.

The task of retargeting is to return users who have not purchased anything or to offer something new. With its help, you can advertise new features, report new promotions, talk about new content, thereby not only returning the lost audience but increase the average check. We provide iOS app development services to make sure your travel business will not lose the potential buyers.

Mobile re-targeting is the next step of mobile marketing evolution

There are a lot of reasons to use the mobile re-targeting in your travel business:

  1. First, traffic is becoming more expensive: the cost of getting the new users (CPI) is growing, buying them is becoming less profitable.
  2. Second, the freeways to return the user, such as SMS, push-notifications or mailings, work worse, users ignore or simply turn them off.

Another important fact is that 80% of users do not return to the application 3 months after installation. Especially, when we talk about travel business which is quite specific as people do not make purchases very often.

And in general, people use fewer applications, but the rest are launched much more often. In addition, the market is over saturated with devices. In developed countries, almost every user already has a smart-phone.

Because of all this, working with current users is much more efficient and profitable. Re-targeting is used exactly for this purpose.

Mobile re-targeting is the next step of mobile marketing evolution

There are a lot of reasons to use the mobile re-targeting in your travel business:

  1. First, traffic is becoming more expensive: the cost of getting the new users (CPI) is growing, buying them is becoming less profitable.
  2. Second, the freeways to return the user, such as SMS, push-notifications or mailings, work worse, users ignore or simply turn them off.

Another important fact is that 80% of users do not return to the application 3 months after installation. Especially, when we talk about travel business which is quite specific as people do not make purchases very often.

How does mobile re-targeting work?

Mobile re-targeting is based on the deep links technology. The deep link is a website link which redirects the user to the mobile application. A deep link can open not only the main application screen but also a specific screen within the application.

To work with re-targeting, the application must be configured with a URL scheme. For example, the Instagram://profile link opens the profile screen in the Instagram application.

Proper deep links are a great user experience. They allow you to implement the following scenario: when surfing the Internet, click on the interesting link, and open the app window you want. Direct connection of the mobile web with the mobile application!

Conventional URL schemes are easy to configure and work reliably, but, unfortunately, clicks on them are almost impossible to measure.

Not so long ago, the Universal Links technology appeared. Universal Links is a common http-link to a website like When clicking on the link, the system automatically determines whether the application is installed on the device.

If yes, the user opens the page in the application. If not, the user is redirected to the App Store page.

Universal Links significantly improve UX. Although they are difficult to configure and at the moment they are not very reliable. The technology is young, so there are some flaws.

Whom and how to return?

There are many scenarios and approaches for returning users to the mobile application. Mobile re-targeting is suitable for almost all industries where you can make purchases, of course, including travel apps.

Users can be segmented in many ways. The basic re-targeting segmentation is looking like the following:

  • looked at the goods, but did not add anything to the cart;
  • added to the shopping cart, but did not make a purchase;
  • bought recently (the goal is to sell again);
  • sleeping — bought earlier, then abandoned.

And now let’s look at the most popular user return scripts:

  • special offer: discount for the next order;
  • adding the new functions to the iOS application;
  • a message about new ways to use the iOS application;
  • banners with goods that the user saw;
  • banners with products supplementing those that the user has already seen;
  • a reminder of the forgotten products or services in the cart: “You forgot the goods in the cart”.

The success of any re-targeting campaign lies in the proper audience segmentation. Therefore, before you start the campaign plan all the details. Contact us to hire iPhone app developers for your travel business.



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